King Talent represents Professional Actors worldwide for the Performing Arts. Our clients are based in Los Angeles, New York, London, Vancouver, Calgary, Edmonton, Saskatoon, Winnipeg, Toronto and Montreal. For 30 years we have been nourishing young talent, building careers and doing our part to fit the person to the role no matter what the challenge. Our clients are recognized within the industry as accomplished professionals and by the public as well loved stars. King Talent is dedicated to our work and our clients. We do everything possible to assure that professional standards are never compromised as we strive to promote our talent world-wide.
King Talent represents Actors, Writers and Directors. Whether in Feature Films, Episodic Television and New Media, their accomplishments are far too numerous to list. Our clients play Lead and Supporting roles in a multitude of local, national and international productions and have recieved many awards and nominations for their work.
Where it all began, and for many actors, where it all begins. Those of our clients who work in Theatre do so out of passion, integrity and a love of the art. There is still nothing that compares to a live audience and performance. Our clients work extensively in local, national and international stage productions. King Talent is one of the few agencies which strongly encourage and support their clients' desire to work on stage.
Adults: (18+) PLEASE STATE AGE
Teens (14-18yrs) PLEASE STATE AGE
1. Include one professional 8x10 inch headshot
2. Include one professional resume which must include your experience, phone number and email address.
3. Include a video demo reel of Film and Television work (Please limit video to 2 minutes total viewing time, and don't include commercial work)
4. In the absence of a demo reel, a self-tape is acceptable.
(Please follow directions closely or your submission may be discarded)
Record a head to toe shot of yourself stating your name, height, age and eye colour.
For scenes, please frame head and shoulders with readers off screen.
Record one 1 minute (maximum), dramatic scene.
Record one 1 minute (maximum), comedic scene.
Your scenes should be in contrast to each other. They should be strikingly different to show your range. All video files need to be less than 100 MBS.
No Monologues
EMAIL submissions to assist@kingtalent.com
Copyright © KING TALENT INCORPORATED - All Rights Reserved.